1. Leg Up The wall 靠牆抬腿式
2. V spread 雙腳外展
3. Knee to chest stretch
4. Piriformis stretch 梨狀肌伸展
Recently, Hong Kong is in social unrest. Protests against the government, flight between the police & protestors; no matter who you think is right or wrong, everyone's focus is drawn by outer situation and emotions are being affected.
Life is long with a lot of ups and downs. In addition to learning how to respond properly to the outer environment , it's also important to learn how take care of ourselves. When we pay too much attention to everything outside, we will be easily mentally exhausted, feel energy loss, and our mind will be difficult to settle. Only a calm mind and light heart can see the truth of the matter and respond properly, not just being led by our unsettled emotions.
On last Monday's yoga class, I just did a few relaxing poses with my students.
1. Leg Up The wall If you have tired legs because of prolonged standing or walking, you can try this pose, which can stretch your hind legs, relax your lower back, and relieve your feet from swelling. If you do it with deep breathing, it will help relax the nervous system too 2. V spread Open your legs and stretch the inner thighs 3. Knee to chest stretch With knee bent together, stretch the back and hips 4. Piriformis stretch Put the lower leg on the thigh of the other side, use your hand to help open the knee as much as possible, and feel the deep muscle stretching in the buttocks
When doing these poses, you can bring your focus on your breathing, or on the body part where you feel tense. With every inhale and long exhale, let your body and mind calm down, relax and recharge.