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把感知帶回我們雙腳👣 / Bring Awareness back to our Toes

作家相片: Helen HoHelen Ho




When talking about body movements, movement of the toes are often ignored. Most of the day, our toes are hiding in our shoes and being limited in movement. For the ladies that love high heels and pointed shoes, it’s more prone to develop bunions. The deformity not only affects the outlook, but may cause pain in movement and walking if condition deteriorates. It also changes the biomechanics of the lower limbs, and causes pain elsewhere in your body, like knee pain, low back pain or even neck pain depending on the compensation of the body. In yogic point of view, when the energy (Prana) can flow to that part of body, the body can function well and move well. When there is blockage of energy, malfunction would happen. Our conscious attention and movement can bring energy back to affected part and help it to recover.

Let take good care of our feet and start bringing awareness back to them.

The videos above are some simple exercises for our toes. Play with it and see whether we can move our toes well or not. Sometimes you will surprise that isolated control of our toes is not so easy as we think.

Have fun!

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Yoga & Physiotherapy

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