那時,我對瑜伽的認識及理解非常有限,當時的我相信「瑜伽」=「式子 /體位法」,即是修習瑜伽就一定要學習及做到那些不同的式子動作。而當我翻閱這本小書,見到不少難以想像的動作時,我當時已深信以自己的體質跟本難以做到這些式子,所以「瑜伽不適合我,瑜伽不是我的修行途徑」已深深印在我的腦海中。
I was born with a stiff and inflexible body and doing exercise was never my favourite. Because of my work, I suffered different type of body ache and pain. So I had bought my first yoga book 10+ years ago, and hoped that the postures could help me relieving some discomfort. In this little book, it covered a lot of different asanas, with instructions of how to do it and photos of a flexible woman demonstrating all the poses.
At that time, my understanding of Yoga was very limited, I thought Yoga was equal to Asana. I found that there’s a lot of difficult or crazy poses inside the book, so I had a strong impression that I could never do it and concluded that Yoga was not my path.
However, life was very interesting. Finally I met my Guruji Prasad who is a Yogi and walked on the path of Yoga. Although I had a more holistic understanding of Yoga after all these years, that first strong impression of “Yoga is not for me. I am not flexible enough to do all those poses” was still deeply imprinted in my mind and affected my perception of Yoga. I still had a “not fit in” or “not good enough” feeling when I walked on this path.
However, after my recent “Meditation facilitator Training” with Prasad, I had a new idea of what Yoga really was, that “not fit in” feeling finally faded away, and started to understand why I was walking on the path of Yoga even I didn’t have a yogi body as defined by modern’s yoga world.
Traditionally, Yoga is a process of transforming the MIND through different practices. Normally our mind are busy and non-focused, we calm and regulate our mind through constant practice. This peaceful and calm mind can help us to realise the truth within us, for which is the goal of Yoga.
Recently, I start to feel that our MIND is really a Problem Creator, and in many instances, how we think is really more important than what actually happens. For same instance, some people can see it very neutral, but some can think it as tragedy, all depends on your own perception and how you define things.
Looking back in life, I was once a very depressed and negative minded person. I was full of anger and considered myself as victim of life when I was a teenager. This mind-set made me suffered a lot and I became very emotionally unstable. Because of my negative way of seeing life, I was emotionally upset and depressed, and all the emotions, like sadness and anger also blinded me and made me seeing life more negatively.
This vicious cycle seemed never stopped if I didn’t change any part, either working on my emotions or working on my beliefs. I remembered there’s a few important moments in my life, I was so emotionally down and upset, my mind was full of negative thinking; all of a sudden I realised that my negative thinking couldn’t solve any of my problems or improve my emotional wellbeing, so I stopped to cooperate with my mind at that moment, and started asking myself “Is it really that bad?”…. Although my difficulty wasn’t immediately solved at that moment, at least I stopped to contribute to my negative thinking pattern and I slowly got myself back to a more normal state of beings, instead of falling into an emotional whirlpool.
Slowly, after years of different searching and practices, especially after I started to practice yoga, my emotional wellbeing gets greatly improved, and I can see life more clearly as what it is, rather than what I think it is. All these years of different seeking, searching and practice, I find what I change is not the outer world, but my inner mind. This exactly is what Yoga talks about, what we need is to transform our mind so as to realise the truth self within.