上星期四,有幸為 southco 公司主持一個瑜伽放鬆工作坊。工作坊中,我們藉著簡單的瑜伽動作去伸展緊繃的身體,深呼吸練習去調息都市人普遍急速短淺的呼吸,最後humming 聲音吟誦去平靜活躍的頭腦;看著參加者身心逐步放鬆下來,有些人更差不多睡著,深深感受到練習瑜伽的技巧對身心的益處。
瑜伽,不只是單純的式子(asana)動作練習;瑜伽的各種呼吸法(pranayama)及不同的專注靜心練習(dharana & dhyana) 都對都市人身體心靈頭腦有很大裨益。
Nowadays most of us are undergone high pressure at work, as the pace in our society is fast. Coupled with the recent political situation in Hong Kong, everyone's body and mind are subject to a certain degree of anxiety and stress.
Last Thursday, I was fortunate to host a yoga relaxation workshop for southco company. In the workshop, we started with simple yoga movement to stretch the tight body, deep breathing exercises to adjust the shallow breathing pattern of urban people, and finally did the humming practice, using the sound vibration to calm the active mind. When I saw the participants gradually relax, and some almost fall asleep during the practice, it made me really believed yoga was the beneficial to modern people.
Yoga is not just another kind of exercise or movement practice. Under the umbrella of Yoga, there’s various techniques, like Pranayama (breathing practice) and Dharana & Dhyana (concentration & mindfulness practice) that can help the practitioners calming & regulating the body and mind. I think all these are in great needs for modern tense people.