在上一篇的文章,我談及骨盆前傾、腰椎過度前凸的姿勢,而唐老鴨Donald Duck 前凸後翹的 pat pat 便是一個很好的形象化代表。此姿勢常見於那些日常生活久坐而又缺乏運動的人,他們的髂腰肌(iliopsoas muscle) 及下腰背肌肉多數過緊,而相對的臀大肌(gluteus maximus muscle)及腹部核心肌肉又力量不足。
上次我們教了"骨盆前後轉動運動"去活動下腰及骨盆位置,另外也提及了"低弓箭步"去伸髖關節前面及髂腰肌位置。除了伸展緊張的肌肉外,我們也要相對強化肌力不足的 臀大肌及腹部核心肌肉,以幫助骨盆能保持較正中的位置。今次會教大家兩個簡單而有效的運動去強化這兩組肌肉。
2)Dead Bug :強化腹部核心肌肉群組,而不會對下腰造成壓力
有意識地收緊腹部,呼氣時慢慢將左手右腳放低至剛離地位置,吸氣時手腳返回開始位置,之後可另一手腳重複。記得當手腳活動時,下腰是需要持續壓平在墊上,而腹部是一直保持收緊狀況。而每一邊可重複5-10次。 此運動看似容易,但如果你持續收緊腹部及下腰保持平放墊上的狀態,你會感到意外這運動亦不是想像中簡單。
In last article, I have talked about posture with anterior tilted pelvis and hyperlordosis of low back. Some people might say it's "Donald Duck Posture", which is commonly found among people with prolonged sitting in daily life. For this posture, people normally will show tightness of iliopsoas and lower back muscle & weakness of gluteal and core muscles. I have taught pelvic tilt exercise for mobilisation of low back & pelvic region, and low Lunge for stretching of groin and iliopsoas muscle in last article. Once the tight muscles are being released, it is important to strengthen the weak muscles so as to help keeping the pelvis in more neutral and stable position.
Now I would teach two exercises that can help to strengthen the gluteal and core muscles.
1. Bridge pose (Setu Bhandhasana): this exercise can strengthen your gluteal muscles Lie supine on mat. Bend the knees, with feet flat on floor and both feet hip-width distance apart. Arms by the side of body. Tighten your abds and push your tailbones up towards the pubis. Firm the buttocks and slowly lift the buttocks, then the low back and chest, off the mat. Try to keep your buttocks as high as possible and stay here for 15 -30s. Release with exhalation, and slowly roll the spine down the mat. Repeat 5-10 times each time.
2. Dead bug exercise: this exercise can strengthen the abs and core muscle without putting strains on your back Lie flat on mat. Bring your legs up and bend your knees in 90 degree position, and both arms point to the ceiling. Remember to bring back flat against the floor. This is the starting point. Engage your cores, and slowly lower the left arm and right leg at the same time as you exhale, until they are just above the floor. Be careful not to raise your back off the floor. Inhale, return the arm & leg back to starting position. Then you can repeat with opposite limbs. This exercise might seem easy at first, but if you keep your core engaged and back flat against the floor, you may surprise how hard it can be.