我們的身體一直是在「活動度」mobility 和「穩定性」stability 的和諧協調下運作。如果你看一下我們的人體設計,你會發現我們的肌肉骨骼系統是按順序排列的,每個關節要么具有靈活度,要么具有穩定性。對於某些關節,它們需要是較大活動幅度以方便移動,但其他關節可能需要是力量與穩定性以支撐身體。如果我們身體不同部位之間失去平衡,那麼痛症、受傷意外便很容易找上你!
Modern yogis put a lot of emphasis on flexibility in their asana practice. We always want to go deeper into the pose and stretch further more. However, traditionally the asana practice in Hatha Yoga was not to merely make the practitioners flexible, but to create harmony in our physical body.
The harmony of our body can be achieved by the focus on the following 3 aspects of asana practice.
1. Joints Mobilisation of the whole body
2. Posture Correction
3. Balance between Strength & Flexibility
The human body is made to work in a beautiful harmony of mobility and stability. If you look at the design of our body, you will find that our musculoskeletal system is arranged in a order that, each joint segment either has a role of mobility or stability. For some joints, they need to be mobile, but others may need to be stable. If we lose balance between the mobility and stability aspects of different body part, we are easier to suffer from pain & discomfort and more prone to injury.
It is very important for us to bring this idea and awareness into our asana practice. We need both strength (stability) and mobility (flexibility) to keep our body healthy and fit. Understand our own body, know our own strength & weakness and practise accordingly. Don't blindly let the others' standard shape you and your body.