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淺談本體感覺 - 將意識及感知帶回自己身體 / Kinesthesia - brings awareness back to our body

作家相片: Helen HoHelen Ho

我上週去了吉隆坡參加動態神經肌肉穩定術 (DNS) 培訓。在課程中,老師談及改善動態或動作模式其中一個要點時,讓我即時聯想到瑜伽式子(Asana) 練習的一個重點- 感知。



還記得上堂時其中一個示範,測試髖上舉(hip flexion)的動作時,原本同學無法良好地完成動作;但當老師將她移動一下,放在一個可加強髖關節感覺的位置上,她的動作立即得到改善,而無任何代償動作。


最後,從瑜伽的角度來說,身體能量是跟隨意識/感知而流動 (where awareness goes, energy flows)。當我們能好好感知身體每一部份,能量流動會更暢順更強,自然身體也更健康強壯。而這一切都是從對自己身體感知覺察開始。

I have gone to Kuala Lumpur attending Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) training last week. In the course, the teacher Mr. Robert talked about one concept in movement reeducation that made me felt so connected to those of practicing Asana in Yoga.

While practicing Asana, awareness of our own body is always encouraged in every pose or asana. We not only DO the pose, but we FEEL it too. How we hold our body, how we feel in the pose… Can we really feel every part of our body? To my surprise, when I brought my awareness to my own body during exercise, I always found that I lost connection to certain part of my body. For example, when I did trunk rotation resistance training, I could do the movement but I couldn’t feel the oblique muscle contraction well.

During the training, Robert states that the kinesthesia (the ability to sense the motion of a joint or limb) is more important than the muscle strength alone while doing the movement. In traditional point of view, we always think that limited range (ROM) and decreased strength (MMT) are the reasons for inability to perform certain movement. It is true to certain extent. However, we forget one very important component – kinesthesia, the ability to sense the motion of a joint or limb. In order to control a specific movement well, we have to able to feel the involved body part and the movement. If we can’t feel it well, other part of body may help to do it and develop compensatory pattern.

In one of the demo during the training, the student first couldn’t perform certain movement well; however, once the teacher put her in certain position that helped to increase the sense of that involved body part, the quality of movement immediately improved without any compensatory movement.

When you perform any exercise next time, try not just blindly DO it, but FEEL it too. If it is allowed, do the movement slowly, feel which part of body involved and how our body moves. This type of awareness can help you not only improve the quality of movement, avoid compensatory movement pattern, but also prevent any muscular problem in long term.

Lastly, there's one statement in Hatha Yoga that shares similar point of view. "Where awareness goes, energy flows"

When we have good inner awareness of our body, the energy normally flows better and without blockage. As energy circulates well, we have a healthy and strong physical body, for which all starts with Awareness.

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