What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy was originated from Osteopathy. During 1975-1983, Dr. John E. Upledger conducted a lot of research on the craniosacral system at Michigan State University; he added other techniques based on cranial osteopathy to further integrate and develop the existing Craniosacral Therapy is also the first Osteopath to promote this therapy to other medical staff and the general public.
What is the craniosacral system?
The craniofacial system refers to the physiological tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, including the fascia in the entire skull and spine, the spinal cord, and the cerebrospinal fluid flowing in the fascia.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
Craniosacral therapy is a light-touch technique to evaluate and improve the function of the cranio-sacral system and related fascia. Using a very light touch, the therapist assists in releasing the resistance in the craniosacral system, allowing the cerebrospinal fluid to resume rhythmic flow, thereby improving the functioning of the central nervous system and then balancing the physiological functions of the entire body.
Through its effects on the central nervous system and complementing the body's self-healing process, craniosacral therapy has proven to strengthen the overall health of the body, effectively enhance the body's ability to resist disease, and treat a wide range of physical and mental health issues.
For example: headache, neck and lower back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, dizziness, tinnitus, chronic pain syndrome, orthopedic problems, chronic fatigue, emotional disorders, chronic sinus infections, stress and tension related problems, brain & spinal cord injury, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, post-traumatic stress disorder, fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders, sleep disorders or insomnia, digestive problems, acute or chronic sports injuries , menstrual pain, arthritis, allergies, hormonal disorders, neurovascular or immune system disorders, infant development disorders, autism, etc.